Nagasaki Station and Nagasaki Trams
I would like to tell about Nagasaki Station and Nagasaki Trams. Nagasaki is served by four tram lines across the city. Here are some information about the Trams. You can enter the tram through the rear door and exit through the front door. You pay directly to the the driver when exiting the trams. And it costs 120 yen regardless of how far you travel. These are some information about Nagasaki Trams. Some travel agents or websites may tell this information, but what i want to tell to you is that Nagasaki Trams are not only that.
Nagasaki Station and Nagasaki Trams
What actually made me impressed and wanted to take these trams is their history. I really wanted to realize the trams history clearly. How they become silent witness of the war. How they restored after the war and atomic bomb in Nagasaki. How they changed the people life.
Nagasaki Tram Lines service started on 16 November 1915 and carried a lot of passengers since Nagasaki was opened for overseas at that time. Operation suspended from 9 August 1945 because of damage caused by atomic bomb attack. But only 3 months later, service restored in stages from 25 November 1945. It was so amazing right? It only took three months for restored the railway, the system, and the service became restored. Here some pictures I took.
Kota Nagasaki memiliki empat jalur kereta di jalan (tram). Teman-teman bisa masuk lewat pintu belakang dan keluar lewat pintu depan. Nah, saat ingin turun keluarlah dari pintu depan setelah membayar ongkos langsung kepada sang masinis. Setiap kali naik jauh dekat ongkosnya 120 Yen. Informasi seperti ini mungkin sudah sering teman-teman dengar dari agen travel atau dari internet. Tapi, kereta jalan Nagasaki tidak hanya itu saja.
Apa yang membuat saya ingin mengunjungi Nagasaki dan naik keretanya adalah sejarahnya. Saya betul-betul ingin merasakan dan mengecek sendiri sejarah kereta ini. Kereta yang menjadi saksi bisu perang di Jepang. Bagaimana kereta ini dapat kembali beroperasi. Bagaimana kereta ini juga membantu orang-orang dalam pemulihan setelah perang.
Layanan kereta jalan Nagasaki dimulai dari 16 November 1915. Saat itu Nagasaki ramai oleh pedagang dan orang-orang dari Eropa. Setelah bom atom dijatuhkan di Nagasaki, layanan kereta terhenti massal. Tapi hanya perlu waktu 3 bulan, layanan kereta kembali normal. Kereta beroperasi kembali tanggal 25 November 1945. Mengagumkan bukan? Hanya perlu tiga bulan untuk memperbaiki rel dan jalur kereta, sistemnya, dan kereta kembali berjalan normal. Di atas adalah beberapa foto kereta jalan yang saya ambil.