Talking about Love
True love is found in Christ alone. After I receive His gift of new life by accepting His death in my place and His forgiveness for my sins. Here are 10 best quotes about God’s love.
1. Love that is from God is unending, unstoppable. If the object of its affection doesn’t choose to receive it, love keeps giving anyway.
2. True love is found in Christ alone. After I receive His gift of new life by accepting His death in my place and His forgiveness for my sins.
3. You can’t live without Him, and you can’t love without Him. That’s the fact!
4. Love is not a fight, but it is always worth fighting for.
5. Love helps you install air bags and to set up guardrails in your relationship. It reminds you that conflict can be turned for good.
6. When you love others, you are love yourself as well.
7. Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive. And when under pressure, love doesn’t turn sour.
8. You will never learn to love until you learn to demonstrate kindness.
9. Don’t give up on the people you love. Your patient love and faithfulness may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.
10. “Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source.” ~Leo Tolstoy
image source : blogspot
Itulah indahnya cinta. Cinta bukanlah bicara soal perasaan atau kondisi hati saat kamu bertemu dengan orang yang kamu sukai atau sayangi. Cinta itu bicara soal pribadi. Dan pribadi itu adalah Allah sendiri. Tanpa Allah kita tidak mungkin dapat mencintai dengan tulus. Ia yang mengajarkan kita arti cinta yang sesungguhnya.
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